Monday, December 31, 2007

: (

Hi All,

It was hot today. Very hot. Too hot for little boys who don't like hot weather.

Today I went out shopping with mum. I have graduated to the seat in my pram (rather than the bassinet). I sat up like a big boy for the whole shopping trip (except when I got sleepy and fell asleep - my head kind of lolled to the side a bit).

I am going to have another big first tomorrow but you'll have to come back to read about that.

Did I mention that it's hot?

Bye for now,


Sunday, December 30, 2007

Things to share

Hi All,

I have a couple of things to share with you:

1) Mum almost dropped me on my head (on concrete). I was in the pool with dad and he passed me out of the pool to her. I didn't want to get out of the pool yet so I did a pretty impressive roll move to try and get back in. I was very slippery and wet so she did a pretty good job of hanging on to me. Her face was pretty funny when it happened.

2) I am seriously trying to crawl at the moment. I am getting my legs up under my body and pushing off. I'm obviously still missing part of the puzzle though because I'm not moving (or if I move, I go backwards - does that count??). Here's a picture of me trying to crawl:

3) Mum caught me having a private moment (what can I say?? I am a boy after all). Photo below...

4) In case that last photo offended you, here's another of me being cute:

That's all for now,

Friday, December 28, 2007

Adventures with my dad

Hi All,

Something very exciting happened yesterday. My dad looked after me for most of the day... By himself!!! Mum decided she wanted to go the sales and that she didn't want me to come with her (I'm still pretty upset about this but whatever...). So she left my milk for the day and went. I'm glad she left me though because I had SO much fun with my dad. We got to do cool things like play Wii together (he played more than me - he's very greedy).I was such a good boy for my dad. I think mum was secretly hoping that I would be a rascal so dad would think that she does such a good job with me (because I'm so trying) but we all know I'm lovely so that wasn't going to happen! I even did something for the first time so my dad could have something exciting to tell my mum - when dad gave me a bottle I held it all by myself to drink it.

Mum and dad have bought me a chair to eat my food in. I think it's going to be awfully uncomfortable for mum to try and feed me while I'm in the chair so I hope she can bend well. Here's some pictures of me in it.

That's all for now,

Thursday, December 27, 2007


To all my loyal readers,

I know that I have disappointed some of you lately with my lack of posting. I have a couple of things to say regarding this. Firstly, I'm very glad that you enjoy reading my blog so much that you get disappointed when I don't get around to posting. Secondly, give me a break. I'm only little. I can't cope with all the pressure.

That said... I've been up to visit my Grandma and Grandad for something called Christmas. It's very strange because everyone gives everyone a present but I couldn't work out who the birthday boy was because no one got to blow candles out. Very strange. I'm not complaining though because I got awesome presents!! I got some red and gold and blue wrapping paper and some ribbon!!!! Here's some pics of me enjoying (eating) my presents:

Some of the other things I got were:
-a bowl and cutlery (don't know what I'm supposed to do with them - I'd probably hurt mum if I tried to use a knife and fork to eat my food)
- bath toys (I thought baths were already as fun as they could be but these are going to make it even more fun!)
-some super soft toys (some that are like puppets, some that jingle but all that taste very good)
-some big boy clothes (in the best colour, blue)
-a puppy that talks to me (it's called a learning puppy, I'm going to call him LP).

I got to see lots of my favourite people. Here are some of them:

I also got to visit my Great Aunty Coral and Great Uncle Wes and my super duper 2nd Cousin Fiona. While visiting them I learnt that not all music is as good as Ten little indians and the alphabet song. I think I need to get mum to send them down some of my music (unless they have been naughty and someone is making them listen to that music as punishment). But I had lots of fun there and I got lots of hugs and smiles.

Lastly, my dad seems to think that I'm a play thing that he can dress up. The below photo should explain that comment.

I have lots more to tell you but we'll leave some until tomorrow!
Bye for now,

Saturday, December 22, 2007

All quiet on the western front

Hi All,

I know I've been a bit quiet lately. Sorry about that.

I'll probably be a bit quiet over the next couple of days as well because we're going to my Grandma and Grandad's for Christmas.

Here's a couple of bits of information to keep you interested:

I can curl my tongue (like my dad)
I tried a tenny bit of banana today (I'm still not sure whether I liked it or not)

Have a lovely Christmas.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Very serious poo incident

Hi All,

Yes - I've had a very serious poo incident.

Mum had taken me out shopping (for dirt, of all things. I don't know why she wants to buy it - we have some in our garden). While walking around she thought my leg felt a bit wet but she couldn't really see anything because I was in the Hug-a-bub. When we got back to the car she found poo down my leg. Then she went to put me back in the car seat and found evidence to suggest that perhaps the car seat had been the scene of the crime. It was pretty much everywhere (later she said that there was more poo in the car seat than in my nappy).

She's headed out to the car now with a bucket of water and whole lot of rags (and she doesn't look happy).

Oh well, poo happens.

Bye for now,

Monday, December 17, 2007

sleep and other catastrophes

Hi All,

My dad's gone away to Canberra. I miss him.

I've decided (once again) that I don't want to sleep all night long. So after having a week or so of sleeping for 12 hours every night, I now wake up twice every night. Why I didn't go back to waking up just once instead of twice I don't know but it's working for me so I'm going to run with it.

Bye for now,

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Very miserable

Hi All,

I have a cold and am very miserable. I am all congested and have a lot of snot coming out of my nose. Mum finds the snot very upsetting (not because she feels sorry for me, just because it grosses her out).

Also you might be interested to know that mum noticed that she wasn't producing as much milk as she used to (and I was getting upset because of it) so she is trying something called fenugreek which is supposed to help her make more milk. An interesting side effect of this - is that she smells like maple syrup. Seriously. I'm kind of glad that it's maple syrup smell and not something awful like rotten bananas because I have to get up close to her... a lot... But please don't try and sniff her to check for yourself because she might know that I've told you and she might get embarrassed.

Here's another picture that Aunty Leanne took:

Bye for now,

Friday, December 14, 2007

the pool

Hi All,

Here's what I wear when I go to the pool!


Thursday, December 13, 2007


Hi All,

Yesterday I went to visit Aunty Tanya and Uncle Cliff to say well done for graduating from their uni course. Mum and Dad told me that it's a really big deal to graduate from a university but I don't think it sounds that hard. I could probably do it if I wanted to (but I'm busy at the moment so I'm not going to). Anyway... Mum and Dad tried to get me to go to sleep (in the closet, mind you... something about it being the darkest spot for me!) but I wanted to hang out with everyone else. Eventually they got the message and I got to stay up with all the adults. I'm not even too grumpy today. I'm going to go swimming with my baby buddies now so I've got to go.

Bye for now,

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Hi All,

Why? Why? My mum took me back to the nasty place with the ladies that stick pins in me!!! AND my Grammy came along too and didn't even stop them!!
I just can't work out why they would do this to me. OK, I did wake up at 2:30am last night but I was a bit hungry. I didn't think I deserve to be stuck with pins for that. And I do cry some of the time but not all the time so I don't think I deserve it for that either. I do poop and wee on the carpet sometimes but mum has never seemed too bothered by that either. Why? Wht would you take me to get stuck by pins? Why? Am I naughty?? Please tell me what I'm doing wrong so I can try and stop it. I really don't want to be stuck again. I had to cry a lot this afternoon (after my Grammy left - I didn't want her to see me upset) because I was so sad. I cried the worst I've cried since the first night I came home from hospital. I heard mum say that it hurt her heart (I think it hurt my leg more.)

Bye for now,

Monday, December 10, 2007

My Mum's birthday

Hi All,

Today is my mum's birthday. She turned 28. I'm 4 months old so I'm pretty sure she's twice as old as me (which is REALLY old!). Here's the card I wrote for her (you can click on it to read it if it's not clear):

My Grammy is over for a visit so I got to play with her lots today. It's good because I get bored of just seeing my mum and dad's faces.
Last night I went to church. Mum gives me my bottle during the meeting and dad said that he could hear my slurping noises from the platform (mum and I were sitting in the back row). I wonder if that means everyone else could hear them too! I don't care - they would probably just be jealous that they couldn't eat their dinner in church. I was a bit annoyed with mum because she took me out of the meeting half way through Kirsten's sermon because she thought I was being "noisy" (I was just saying "Hallelujah" and "Preach it, sister"). So now I don't know the point of the sermon - I think maybe it was that we should all buy lots of transformers toys.
That's all for now,

Friday, December 7, 2007


Hi All,

Today Aunty Leanne came over to play. We had heaps of fun and she took lots of photos of me and mum. I'm a very good model (I only wee-ed everywhere once). I've posted some of the best photos here so you can take a look (Aunty Leanne is very clever, isn't she??)

Aunty Leanne babysat me tonight. I was really good and didn't even cry for her at all. To be honest it's been a pretty long day and I was very tired so didn't have the energy to put up a fight (being beautiful takes a lot out of me, you know).

That's all from me,

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Hi All,

Today I went to the pool with my buddies from Mother's Group. I got to wear my swimming nappies. They are blue and have pictures of Nemo on them.

I also went to the Health Nurse for my 4 month weigh in (did you know I am 4 months now??). I weigh a lot. 6.6kg. That must be like how much horses and whales weigh. It's a LOT. I'm also very tall. I'm taller than I am heavy (the graphs say so). That makes me tall and skinny. So maybe taller than a giraffe but not heavier than an elephant. I'm also strong. Like a lion. No, stronger than that. Like a hungry lion who sees a chipmunk eating breakfast and decides to steal it. Also I can roll over very well. Like a dog with fleas.

I'm tired.

Bye for now,

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Crazy parents

Hi All,

Now, I love my parents very much but I am starting to have some concerns regarding their mental health. This is why... I spend a lot of time laying on the floor near the window and during this time I've learnt a lot of things. One of the things that I have learnt is that trees belong outside. Well, my parents brought a tree inside the house on the weekend. Not only that, but then they proceeded to put decorations on it: lights and shiny gold balls and little angels. On the tree!! They dressed up a tree!! IN THE HOUSE!!! They are crazy (gee, I hope they don't read this).

Oh well.

Bye for now,

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Not very chatty

Hi All,

Sorry for the lack of posting lately. I haven't been in a very chatty mood. But I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I've been sleeping a lot lately. For the last 5 nights I've slept from when mum puts me in my cot (usually about 6.30pm) until 7am!!! How amazing am I??

What else? I've rolled over a couple of times. I've been practising talking. I've found a new toy to play with. This one's cool because it's with me where ever I go and whenever I play with it mum and dad say "Stop playing with your ding dong!!.

That's it for now,


Saturday, December 1, 2007

Big sleeps

Hi All,

Last night mum put me to bed at about 6.40pm. I then slept until 6am when I had 2 little peeps (a peep is a very small cry of approximately 1 second duration). I then realised that I wanted to sleep some more so I went back to sleep until 7am when mum woke me up. That is officially my longest sleep ever. I also had a long sleep the night before when I only woke up at 6:20am.

Mum isn't sure what has made me start doing long sleeps again (before I was waking up again at about 2am) because 2 nights ago she made 3 changes. She made my room completely dark at night time (she made sausages for the floor and pieces of materiel to cover the top and side gaps of the blind), she is putting 2 inserts into my nappy so that I stay dry even if I've done lots of whizzes, AND she put me in a baby sleeping bag with only a sheet over me to keep me in place. Dad says that mum will never make a good scientist because you should only make 1 change at a time so you can see what makes the difference. Mum says she doesn't want to be a scientist so she doesn't care.

Also you might be interested to know that I haven't done a poo today so I'm expecting a really big one sometime soon.

Bye for now,

Thursday, November 29, 2007

New adventure

Hi All,

Yesterday I did something new and different. It's just I don't know what it's called. Mum and I met up with 2 of the other mums and babies from mother's group. We went to a BIG place. We went into a room which had lots and lots of seats but it was strange because the seats all pointed in one direction (not very friendly - you couldn't talk to the people in front of you). There were lots of other mummies and their babies (maybe 50 of each!). Then after a little while it got really dark and then some giants appeared at the very front. The giants talked and talked but no one talked back to them - they must have felt a bit lonely or sad that noone wanted to talk to them and some people even laughed at them which must have made them feel even worse!. One of the giants was called Fred Claus and apparently he has a famous brother (although I didn't catch his name). He seemed quite nice. His brother seemed a bit scary.

Anyway, I was a very good boy. I even fell asleep at one stage (I hope the giants didn't notice).

Bye for now,

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Just a quick one

Hi Al,

Just a quick one today.

Yesterday my mum and dad heard me do a sneeze. They thought it sounded like a funny sneeze, kind of wet (like a dad sneeze). Mum came over to play with me and she found the reason why it sounded funny was because it wasn't actually a sneeze at all... in fact, I actually, how shall I put this... evacuated my bowels. Did I mention that I wasn't wearing a nappy at the time? And that I had managed to move off my rug onto the carpet?

He he he.

Bye for now,

Monday, November 26, 2007


Hi All,

Well, I've been a fabulously well behaved boy today. One of my best days ever. But I had to because I was a little terror yesterday and I want my mum to keep me...

I've heard mum talk about "solids" and when she might start me on them. So I figured I would get a head start. I don't need to wait for her to give them to me. I'll just start them on my own. So I'm trying to eat my arm. Yep. It doesn't taste good but I'm giving it a good go. So far all I've done is bruise my arm. Mum said I've given myself a hickey. Dad says hickeys aren't worth it unless someone else gives them to you.

Maybe I should just wait until mum gives me solids.

Bye for now,

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Fun at the beach

Hi All,

Yesterday I went to the beach for the very first time!! It's really just like a very big bath (except that it's outside and is not so smooth on the bottom). Talking about bottoms, mum had to change my nappy and I got sand in my crack (I mean my bottom crack, if that wasn't obvious...). That was an unusual experience. Dad says not to worry though, because you can't go the beach without getting sand in your crack. I don't know who makes these rules but that one sounds pretty crazy to me.

My Aunty Leanne and Uncle Tim came to the beach with us. Dad and Uncle Tim went snorkeling while Mum and Aunty Leanne played with me on the sand. We went and had fish and chips afterwards but they didn't share with me (I don't know what's up with never sharing food with me - I have feelings, you know).

I enjoyed the beach very much (but I enjoyed seeing Aunty Leanne and Uncle Tim even more). A little boy at the beach called Tim my other daddy.

Here's some more pics for you.

Bye for now,

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Birthdays

Hi All,

Happy Birthday to Aunty Tanya for yesterday and to Lachlan for today!!

Stay tuned to hear about my adventures at the beach.

Friday, November 23, 2007

my dad and me

Hi All,

This is a photo of my dad and me both wearing our hoodies:

We're pretty cute, aren't we?!

And here's mum and me:

Mum and I are friends again because I slept until 5:40am last night.
Bye for now,

Thursday, November 22, 2007

My hat

Hi All,

It's heating up (and I'm not happy). But because of the hot weather mum and dad thought they should get me a hat to cover my head (and my increasingly blonde hair). Here it is:

I know it's been a slow news day when I'm writing about a hat but whatever (I bet your lives aren't as exciting as mine)...
BTW - I woke up 3 times last night. Mum's not happy with me (I'm sure she'll get over it - I just have to smile at her a couple of times and she'll forgive me).

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My voice

Hi All,

Well, I've found my voice. I know, I know, some of you are thinking, "I didn't know you'd lost it...". Hah, hah, very funny. I didn't think I'd lost it, I just didn't know it existed. But over the last week it's definitely come into being. I can gurgle, shout, sing, make happy noises and just talk in general.

I used to think Mum and Dad were pretty smart people but unfortunately my opinion has changed. It seems I know more words than they do! I say stuff and they don't understand me at all. Or they completely misunderstand me. For example, I'll say, "gee mum, I think you put my nappy on too tight" and she'll reply "that's right, the sky is blue". Hopefully I can teach them (I'm only too happy to help).

That's all for now.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Hi All,

I had a good sleep last night even though it was hot yesterday. I didn't wake up until 5:45am.
Here are some photos of my family. One is my mum's family (the Hindles) and one is my dad's family (the Youngs).

Bye for now,

Monday, November 19, 2007


Hi All,

So, yesterday was my dedication at church. It was a fun day (although I did get a bit over it by the end of the day - shame that was when I was on the platform in church while my grandma was praying).

In keeping with the idea of it being a big and important day, I felt that it would also be a good time to roll over for the first time. Lots of people got to see me do it (except both my parents who were looking elsewhere at that particular moment). Truth be told, I was as surprised as everyone else when it happened. One moment I'm on my stomach, the next on my back. I'm not sure I'm too keen for it to happen again.

Cousin Fiona is in this picture with my dad and me.

She reads my blog all the time (hi!) and she is happy to make silly faces to make me smile - thanks!

That's it for now (I'm still catching up on sleep!),

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Big Day

Hi all,

I've had a very big weekend. Very big. Saw lots of people, had lots of hugs. I'll have to write more tomorrow as I really need my sleep now.
But for now, here's a couple of pictures:



Saturday, November 17, 2007

I hate hot weather

Hi All,

I hate the hot weather. I hate it, hate it, hate it. It makes me hot and bothered. My cheeks get all rosy, my skin gets all clammy and cuddles are not lovely like usual. The only joy I get is when I get stripped naked (which is always fun - not even hot weather can take that joy away!).

I have been sleeping really well lately - only waking up once a night, usually at 5 or 6am. Last night when mum and dad put me to bed I couldn't go to sleep so I cried and cried. I heard mum and dad saying to each other that they had no idea what to do because this never happened. They tried changing my bedding from a sheet and muslin wrap to nothing to just a sheet. They put a fan in my room. Eventually I went to sleep only to wake up an hour later. After some more adjusting of things I went back to sleep until 10pm when mum fed me. Then I woke up at 1am when dad changed my nappy and turned the fan off. Then I woke up at 4am when mum gave me another feed. Then mum woke me up at 7am (you would have thought she would have given me a sleep in - meanie).

But yesterday wasn't all bad. I got to see my Grammy and Papa!! (that's us in the picture below). It was lovely to see them although I wasn't at my usual best because I was hot and grumpy so the smile in the picture below was one of the few for the day.

by the way, my poo stinks.


Thursday, November 15, 2007

I've changed my mind!!

Hi All,

Yes, I have changed my mind. I do not like showers at all. I told you the other day that I felt that I was ready for showers but after showering 2 days ago I can tell you that I am not ready. I am happy to admit defeat (for the moment). I'm a big enough man to know when I've got it wrong. 2 days ago I had a shower with my dad. At first I thought that it would be fun - having cuddles with daddy and getting a big boy shower but it was awful. The cuddles with dad were OK but the shower was yuck. Did you know you get splashes of water all over your face?? You just keep getting splashed and splashed and you never know when the next lot of water is going to hit your face? And you don't just get to lie there and have a nice little relax? You have to remain upright? I had to start crying so that mum would come and get me out of that thing! It's all a whole lot harder than I thought. So last night I had a bath with dad. SO MUCH BETTER. Nice and relaxing. No splashes. Just loveliness.

I'm very excited about this weekend. I'm going to get dedicated at church. It's where mum and dad say thank you to God for me and also say that they'll try to look after me well. Lots of my family are coming and I think everyone will be very impressed with me.

Bye for now,


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Things that make me smile

Hi All,
I hope you're all well and happy. I know a lot of you are getting very excited about seeing me this weekend (understandably)...
You might be wondering why there is a picture of a Western Bulldogs top rather than a picture of me in today's blog. Well... Grammy and Papa gave this to Dad for his birthday this year and it sits in his office. And for some reason that mum and dad can't work out it makes me smile or laugh every time I see it. There are many theories as to why it makes me laugh - Dad thinks that it's joy because I love the doggies as much as him, Mum thinks that I like the bright colours, Dave thinks that when I laugh I am mocking the doggies... Only I know the real reason and I'm not quite ready to share that yet...

I had a BIG sleep last night. Slept from 6.30pm - 6.20am. Mum doesn't even think I woke up to do any little crying either.
We're off to visit Sonia and Kaja this morning.

Catch up again soon,

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Hi All,

Well, mum got a shock this morning when she came to get me out of my cot because I had a big glob of blood on my eye lid. She came in because I'd just started to make my wake up noises but what she didn't know was that I'd rubbed my eyes like I always do first thing in the morning except this time I'd scratched myself (by accident - I don't enjoy inflicting pain on myself or anything). Now I know why mum and dad yelp sometimes when I scratch them - my nails are like little daggers... If you look very closely you might be able to see the scratch.
So after that I got all my nails clipped...
In one week I'll get to see my Grandparents, my aunties and uncles and my cousins - how exciting!
Bye for now,

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Hi All,

Yes, you are seeing correctly. I am wearing jeans for the first time!! As I'm sure you can tell from the picture I look SO CUTE in them. Mum said I look like a real little boy (I'm not sure if she means as opposed to a girl or as opposed to a little baby). Jeans are kind of cool but I'm a bit confused about why they have pockets in them. Am I supposed to keep my car keys in them? My loose change? My mobile phone? I have only just worked out how to get my hand into my mouth (and to be honest if it gets in there it's more by chance than skill) and yet I am supposed to be able to get them into my jeans pocket. I think not...


Friday, November 9, 2007


Hi All,

Been a little while - sorry about that. If you're a regular reader of my blog you'll be aware that I like my bath time. It's lots of fun - I get to kick and splash and spend time with my dad but... I think it's time to move on. I'm beginning to think that baths are just for little babies (and we all know that I'm almost a big boy now). I think I'm ready to make the big step to showers. That's right. As you can see from the photo above I can already stand up (yes, it's true that I need to have a very wide stance to keep my balance but the bath oil that dad puts into the bath makes it very slippery!). Also please do not be concerned - I don't actually have a yellow block down there but dad says he has to protect my dignity by not showing my John Thomas (whoever that is)...

We've had a lovely week. Had about 3 sleeps of 10 or more hours in the last week. We had our last official mother's group yesterday at the library. We got given a little book and taught about all the fun stuff the library does for little kids. Mum's mother's group is going to keep meeting up - next week is at our house. I'll be sure to share my toys and stuff.

That's it for now,

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Busy Weekend

Hi All,

Last night my mum and dad went on a date... without me!!!!

Aunty Leanne and Uncle Tim came round and looked after me. I was very good except that I started crying as soon as mum and dad walked out the door. I went to sleep after a couple of minutes though.

Mum and dad went into the city and had dinner. They enjoyed spending some time without me (which I can't really understand). Last night I slept until 6.20am. Mum slept until 5.30am because her boobs were very full...

We have had a very busy and productive weekend. Between mum and dad they have:
Cleaned out the entire bungalow (filled a 3 metre skip)
Cleaned the gutters
Cleaned the inside of the car
Swept outside
Weeded some of the garden
Cleaned the front of the kitchen cabinets
Cleaned on top of the cupboards above the oven
Cleaned my poo from the carpet (whoops)

We are happy and content.

Bye for now,

Monday, November 5, 2007


Hi All,
I realised that most of the photos I've posted lately have been of me looking very serious so I thought I better remind you that I know how to smile as well!! After my day of grumpiness on Saturday, I had a day of happiness yesterday. I was in a splendid mood with smiles and laughing all day long. It was my mum and dad's 7th wedding anniversary and also my 3 month birthday (if you're really good at maths you can figure something else out but I'll leave that to you)...
We all went to church last night. I think has mum has given up on trying to get me to sleep by 7pm when we go to church. There is just too much excitement for me to sleep but that's OK because when we got home I had a bit more to drink and then I went off to sleep.
More bungalow cleaning today so I best be off.

Saturday, November 3, 2007


Hi All,

Last night I was lonely so I got mum up twice (1:45am and 5:30am). She wasn't in a particularly chatty mood so I'm not sure why I bothered. I wasn't even that hungry...

I was super grumpy all day today. Maybe I didn't get enough sleep last night. Maybe I should try having a super long sleep tonight. Maybe...

Bye from grumpy Roman

Friday, November 2, 2007


Hi All,

If it's your first time reading about me, welcome. If not, I'm glad you've come back to read a bit more about me.

Usually when mum puts me down to go to sleep, I cry for a couple of minutes and then go to sleep. It's unusual for me to cry for longer than about 3 minutes. Well last night I cried on and off for about 20 minutes. Mum was a bit confused because she knew I was dry, had had plenty of food and wasn't windy. I wasn't crying hard just on and off crying so mum let me cry to see if I could self settle. After about 20 minutes I went to sleep. I then slept through to 5:30, talked for a couple of minutes and then went back to sleep until 6am when mum came to give me a feed. Well, wasn't she surprised when she found me at the other end of my cot, facing the other direction!! No wonder I didn't go to sleep straight away - I had been off exploring my cot!

I was in a super lovely mood today. Lots of smiles and pleasantness.

Come again,

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Hi All,

I'm sure you're all wanting to know how long I slept last night after my amazing 12 hour sleep on Tuesday night... Well, I slept for 7 hours. I've got to keep them guessing. I don't want to become too predictable. Can't do 2 long nights in a row... Because if I do 2 in a row, they'll expect a third and I'm not ready for that kind of pressure.

Mum and I have been pretty busy this week. Today we went to our Mother's Group meeting where mum learnt how to do CPR in case I ever need it.

We've got a big weekend coming up. We've got a mini skip coming for mum and dad to clear out the bungalow so that dad can put his office out there. So this weekend mum and dad are going to spend lots of time out there throwing stuff out. I haven't decided yet whether I'll be cooperative or not. I could make it easy or very difficult for them. We'll see how nice they are to me tomorrow.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Lazy bones

Hi All,

Well, last night I slept from 6.45pm to (wait for it) 6.30am. That's right, folks, almost 12 hours. And do you know what makes it all the more amazing? Mum left her mobile phone in my bedroom and she got a text at 8pm and because it wasn't read it kept beeping every hour until mum read it this morning. So I slept even though the world was actively conspiring to keep me awake. Amazing.

I'm sleepy again now so I've got to go have a nap.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Nursery Rhymes

Hi All,

It turns out my mum knows the beginning of a lot of nursery rhymes but does NOT know the ending to those nursery rhymes. So I spend a lot of time listening to things like:

Insy Winsy Spider climbed up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed poor insy out
La la la la la la la la la
la la la la up the spout again.

I assume la la la la is not really how the nursery rhyme goes and if so that phrase seems to feature in an awful lot of nursey rhymes.

Been pretty busy lately. Out seeing people, having coffees (just milk for me).

Talk soon,

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Hi All,

Just a quick one. I thought I would publish the following photo just in case my dad ever needs proof that he did in fact change my nappies.

ps. he does change them quite often (this is just one that has been captured) ("Is that right dad, is that what you wanted me to say?")


Friday, October 26, 2007

Visit to the nurse

Hi All,

Would you believe it? - I'm 12 weeks old tomorrow. I had my 12 week check up with the nurse today. Apparently I'm in the 75th percentile for height (I hope they didn't add extra for my hair), and I've dropped down to the 50th percentile for my weight (although I now weigh 6kg which is still very good).

Here's a photo with my dad. Dad says that I look like Rik Mayall from The Young Ones. Mum and I don't know who or what he's talking about but dad is very old so he probably knows a lot about a tv show that must have been about babies.

I've been sleeping really well lately. Mum has been giving me a bottle of expressed milk before my 6pm feed and it seems to make me sleep longer. Last night I went to sleep at 6.30pm and didn't wake for a feed until 4.30am. Good times.
Til next time,

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I have hands!!

Hi All,

I'm not going to apologise for not blogging lately because I've been very busy. I have made a very important discovery this past few days. On the end of my arms... are hands!!! This is quite a shocking discovery - I'm not sure if I'd just never noticed them before or whether they just grew recently. I can intentionally shove them into my mouth (rather than them just ending up there), or I can use them to put other things in my mouth (like the toys from my play gym). I have put a picture below of me trying to put the bird in my mouth.

I don't think my hands are going to be much use for anything else but at least I've found 2 uses for them.

I would seriously recommend that you check the end of your arms to see if you have hands as well.

Bye for now,

Tuesday, October 23, 2007