Sunday, December 30, 2007

Things to share

Hi All,

I have a couple of things to share with you:

1) Mum almost dropped me on my head (on concrete). I was in the pool with dad and he passed me out of the pool to her. I didn't want to get out of the pool yet so I did a pretty impressive roll move to try and get back in. I was very slippery and wet so she did a pretty good job of hanging on to me. Her face was pretty funny when it happened.

2) I am seriously trying to crawl at the moment. I am getting my legs up under my body and pushing off. I'm obviously still missing part of the puzzle though because I'm not moving (or if I move, I go backwards - does that count??). Here's a picture of me trying to crawl:

3) Mum caught me having a private moment (what can I say?? I am a boy after all). Photo below...

4) In case that last photo offended you, here's another of me being cute:

That's all for now,

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