Saturday, December 15, 2007

Very miserable

Hi All,

I have a cold and am very miserable. I am all congested and have a lot of snot coming out of my nose. Mum finds the snot very upsetting (not because she feels sorry for me, just because it grosses her out).

Also you might be interested to know that mum noticed that she wasn't producing as much milk as she used to (and I was getting upset because of it) so she is trying something called fenugreek which is supposed to help her make more milk. An interesting side effect of this - is that she smells like maple syrup. Seriously. I'm kind of glad that it's maple syrup smell and not something awful like rotten bananas because I have to get up close to her... a lot... But please don't try and sniff her to check for yourself because she might know that I've told you and she might get embarrassed.

Here's another picture that Aunty Leanne took:

Bye for now,

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