Hi All,
It has been brought to my attention that it seems that I write an awful lot about boobies... This is true but in my defence most of my time is spent either sleeping or feeding and given I don't know what's going on when I'm sleeping, boobies are bound to come up. So unless I have something more interesting to write about, boobies it is...
One of my favourite things to do (especially at night when mum is trying to feed me quickly and with as little fuss as possible) is to stop feeding and when mum tries to feed me again, smile. I give her a big smile and then sometimes a giggle. It makes her laugh so much even though she's tired and wants to be back in bed where dad is lying warm and toasty.
The other thing that makes me smile at the moment is getting my nappy changed. As soon as I lie down on the changing table I start to smile and I love it when the nappy comes off - freedom!!!
So until next time (when I may or may not discuss boobies),
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