Thursday, September 27, 2007

Parent's Group

Hi All,

Mum and I went to our first parent's group meeting today. There were about 13 new mums and 2 dads. I am the oldest baby by a couple of days so I'll be able to teach the other babies a thing or 2. Also all the other parents will be impressed (or jealous) because I'll be able to do things before their babies. For example I was able to have 15 minutes of tummy time when most of the babies cried after a minute. Also I can hold my head up really high when doing tummy time. Then I stood on mum's legs (while holding her hands, of course) and all the other mums were oohing and aahing about how strong I am. I think mum was secretly chuffed that other people admired how I am doing! There were a couple of mums that mum really liked and can see herself being friends with.

This morning Grammy went back home to Adelaide. It's been lovely having her here and hopefully I didn't keep her up too much at night time.

Tomorrow I have my visit with the nurse so I'll get weighed. I'll be sure to fill you in tomorrow with my progress.

Bye for now,

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