Thursday, September 6, 2007

Back home again

Hi All,

I'm back from my trip to Bairnsdale. I was a good boy the whole time I was in Bairnsdale. I slept beautifully and was perfectly adorable. I also slept on the way home except for the last 5 minutes (I had to be good though because Grandma was in the car!!). So now that I'm home again I'm having a grumpy day. I am pretty tired but too tired to sleep which makes me more tired - does that make sense?!

I was super happy to see my dad last night - I even smiled at him. He got me to stop crying even though I'd been crying for mum. And today I did some more smiles (including one super big one!).

It's time for my lunch nap so I better go. Hopefully I'll sleep all the way to 2 o'clock so that I am not so grumpy this afternoon and so mum can have a nap too.

the Ro-man

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