Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My Grammy

Hi All,

My Grammy has been here for the last couple of days and it's been lovely having her here. She is very good at keeping me company, distracting me and teaching me about the little boy in the mirror. She is also very good at helping my mum. She hangs washing on the line, does dishes, vaccuums, makes up nappies, cooks dinner, helps clean out cupboards, bathes me, goes on walks with me and all sorts of other things.

Today I got to go to Knox shopping centre with Grammy, dad and mum. We went out for lunch which was lots of fun. Unfortunately they left me in my pram (something about it being my nap time). I tried to rock the pram to let them know I was awake but that made me pretty tired so I fell asleep.

Tomorrow me and mum (I haven't learnt yet that I should say mum and I) are going to our mother's group. I'll meet lots of other babies and make them jealous about how cute I am.

Here is Grammy giving me a bath (see how good I am at maintaining eye contact!):

See you tomorow,

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