Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Milk and Sympathy

Hi All,

Well, after my super long sleep yesterday (11 hours) I reverted back to shorter sleeps last night. After going to sleep at 7pm I woke at about 11:30pm. After a feed I slept until 3:30am but went back to sleep after a couple of minutes and then woke at 5:30am.

It's funny because after a super long sleep both mum and I are more tired and grumpy than after my usual shorter sleeps. I have no idea why I'm more tired but I heard mum say to dad that she's more tired because she spends the second half of the night awake wondering when I'm going to wake up, whether she put too many covers on me or too few covers. I heard dad say to mum that she's crazy.

Mum was very tired yesterday (her most tired day for a LONG time). I think she cried more than me. But then again she usually cried when I was crying so maybe she just felt sorry for me and was crying in sympathy. Dad had more cuddles and play time with me yesterday than usual so that mum could have some little breaks. I'm sure she'll be feeling a lot better today.

I have to start crying now so mum and dad take me to the pool so I can watch dad swim.

Bye for now,

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