Sunday, December 7, 2008


Hi All,

I thought you might be interested to know that after weeks of feeling cross and grumpy and completely snotty, I finally am feeling much better! The last three days I have been a happy and joyful and only a little bit snotty boy.

Today I went outside a lot.

I like summer fruits - cherries and apricots and peaches. I don't think my mum is at all happy about this. My dad told me that she doesn't like sharing.

Mum told me that I'm going to be flying on a plane soon to see my Grammy and Papa. I'm very excited about this. I've been on a plane before so I know that there are lots of people. I also am pretty sure that those people love it when little children make lots of noise so I'll see what I can do. I have a game that I like playing at the moment. I stand on the couch. Mum or Dad count to 3. At 3 I fall backwards onto the cushions. It's great fun. I was playing today. Unfortunately I had a little bit of snot coming out of my nose at the time. This is what I looked like after I had fallen backwards. Click on the photo to get a good look...

Bye for now,

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