Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Being Naked

Hi All,

Today I would like to tell you that I love being naked. Love it, love it, love it.

I love the freedom, the happiness.

I am without a doubt at least 20% happier when I am naked. I am generally a very happy kid but get me naked and I kick things up a notch. I play better, I tell better jokes, I am a better version of myself when I am naked.

Mum, however, seems obsessed with me being dressed. She thinks that I should have clothes on most of the time.

Every morning mum asks me to put my clothes on. She asks me to go into my room and put the clothes that she has carefully laid out for me onto my naked body. I do not like doing this because this would mean that I would cease to be naked. So usually I am still naked an hour later. Unfortunately sometimes we have to go out and mum says that I absolutely MUST get clothes on.

The good thing is that if I have a lunch time sleep I have another opportunity to be naked when I take my PJ's off. So I might have morning naked time and afternoon naked time (and if I'm really lucky after bath naked time too).

Sometimes I even get to go to sleep naked (well, apart from my nappy). I ask mum or dad before I go to bed if I can have belly skin and leg skin and moopy skin and arm skin. And sometimes they let me. This makes me happy.

Naked Roman = Happy Roman

That's all for now,

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