Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Been a long time

Hi All,

Yep - it's been a long time. Sorry about that. Sometimes I run out of things to write and think you might get bored of reading about the mundane things that I do.

Anyway, I'll give you an update on my life.
  • I am 4
  • I go to Kinder for 4.5 hours a week
  • I wake up between 7 and7:45 and go to bed at about 7:30
  • I have a nap during the day once or twice during the week
  • I haven't watched TV or played iPad or computer on a weekday for about 3 months
  • I am enjoying swimming lessons. I can use a noodle or board to kick and swim across the pool. I can jump in from the edge and I can put my head under water
  • I like playing lego and glowsticks and doing concerts
  • My FAVOURITE thing is playing roughhouse with daddy
  • I love going into the city to have lunch or dinner with my mum and dad
  • I can read really well. I can read hundreds of words and I LOVE reading stories. Last night I read Green Eggs and Ham to mum and dad and I only needed help with a couple of words.
  • I don't really like bed time. It makes me sad that I have to go to bed.
That's all I can think of for now.

I'll try to write more soon!
Bye for now,

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