Thursday, June 12, 2008


Hi All,

Well it turns out I'm grumpy because I'm sick.

Dad noticed when I was having a bath the other day that I had a rash on my legs. It was still there a day later so mum took me to the doctor. He said that I have Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. The doctor told mum that it was a virus or a bug. I figure that I must have stepped on the bug (that's how my foot got it), then I must have been playing with my feet with my hand (that's how my hand got it), then I must have put my hand in my mouth (that's how my mouth got it). I also have it on my bottom though so I'm not sure how it got there...

I've been a very brave boy. I don't get to see any of my friends for a little while though in case I give it to them.

That's all for now,

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