Saturday, August 6, 2011

My 4th Birthday Party

Hi All,

Today I had my birthday party!!

Lots of my favourite people came to visit and celebrate with me.

The party had a circus theme and although I was disappointed that there were no elephants we did have popcorn and hot dogs and sparklers and icecream and balloon animals!

And just in case you want to see photos of me (and why wouldn't you??), here you go:

So much fun!!

That's all for now,

Thursday, August 4, 2011

My Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Everyone,

Today I turned 4!

I will never be 3 again. Ever.

I have been so excited about my birthday. I woke up this morning and mum and dad sang happy birthday to me. I got kisses and cuddles. I was very happy because I was 4. I was so excited that I forgot about my presents! Mum and dad had to ask me if I wanted them (I said yes).

I got so many wonderful presents! I got to open presents from mum and dad, Grandma and Grandad and Grammy and Papa. I got Lego and a lego head sort and store thing, games and books and puzzles and zoobs.

Mum asked me the other day what I would like to do for my birthday - she said we could go to the zoo or ten pin bowling or the movies or scienceworks or mini golf or whatever I wanted. I picked minigolf! So we played minigolf and then we went on the train to see daddy and have lunch.

I've spent the rest of the day playing with my new things. I love my new things and I love being 4.

That's all for now,